Friday, February 25, 2011

The Way We Live

Danton Remoto

Bang the drum, baby,
let us roll tremors
of sound to wake
the Lord God of motion
sleeping under the skin.

Of choosing what to wear
this Saturday night:
cool, sexy black
or simply fuck-me red?
Should I gel my hair
or let it fall like water?

Of sitting on the sad
and beautiful face of James Dean
while listening to reggae
at Blue Café.

Of chatting with friends
at The Library
while Allan Shimmers
with his sequins and wit.

Of listening to stories at Cine Café:
the first eye-contact,
conversations glowing
in the night,
lips and fingers touching,
groping for each other’s loneliness.

Of driving home
under the flyover’s dark wings
(a blackout once again plunges
the city to darkness)

Summer’s thunder
lighting up the sky
oh heat thick
as desire

Then suddenly the rain:
finally falling,
falling everywhere:
to let go, then,
to let go and to move on,
this is the way it seems
to be. Bang the drum, baby. - Estados Unidos


  1. Forgiving does not erase the bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory. Instead, forgiving what we cannot forget creates a new way to remember. We change the memory of our past into a hope for our future.

  2. Love one another and help others to rise to the higher levels, simply by pouring out love. Love is infectious and the greatest healing energy.

  3. Learn to let go..though it,s not an easy task but at least try to do it to free you from suffering.

  4. As we think about the love of God drawing to us the substance necessary for support and supply, that substance begins to accumulate all around us, and as we abide in the consciousness of it, it begins to manifest in all our affairs.

  5. Try to find someone who will complete you and to make you happy. Move on and face a new life...
